Dr Mriganko Das at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Dr Mriganko Das

Dr Mriganko Das

Consultant, NEST, Ministry of External Affairs

  • In January 2020, the Minister of External Affairs established NEST to address technology connectivity and trade issues in the Indian ecosystem.
  • NEST aims to coordinate India's positions for negotiating technology governance rules, assess foreign policies and legal implications of emerging technologies, and build policy interfaces with key partner countries and international organisations.
  • NEST functions as a nodal point to assess demand-driven requirements of new technologies, identify strategies for deploying emerging technologies, and evaluate strategic implications for national security.
  • NEST aims to strengthen India's role as a determinant player in global technology affairs, particularly in setting standards and regulatory frameworks.
  • Importance of equipping individuals and fostering expertise in emerging technologies to bridge the digital gap and advance the future economy.
  • Collaborative efforts, such as the summits, can help bridge the gap in the Indian ecosystem and develop standard frameworks that benefit various sectors, including industry, academia, and small businesses.
International Collaboration

International Collaboration

  • Foster collaboration with key partner countries and international organisations to negotiate technology governance rules and address emerging technology challenges on a global scale.
Regulatory Frameworks

Regulatory Frameworks

  • Develop comprehensive regulatory frameworks for emerging and strategic technologies to ensure responsible deployment, address security concerns and protect national interests.
Strategic Assessment

Strategic Assessment

  • Conduct strategic assessments of the implications and risks associated with deploying new technologies, particularly about national security and develop appropriate mitigation strategies.
Capacity Building

Capacity Building

  • Invest in building expertise and capabilities in emerging technologies among individuals, organisations and academia to bridge the digital divide and drive sustainable economic growth.
Standards Setting

Standards Setting

  • Take a leading role in setting global standards for emerging technologies to influence international norms and ensure compatibility with India's technological ecosystem.
Industry Engagement

Industry Engagement

  • Collaborate with industry stakeholders to understand demand-driven requirements for new technologies, identify opportunities for deployment and develop policies that support innovation while safeguarding public interests.
Education and Awareness

Education and Awareness

  • Promote awareness and education initiatives to increase understanding of emerging technologies among the general public, businesses and policymakers, fostering informed decision-making and responsible use.
Support for Small Businesses

Support for Small Businesses

  • Provide support and incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to adopt and integrate emerging technologies, enabling them to remain competitive and contribute to economic growth.
Mission Strengthening

Mission Strengthening

  • Strengthen the role of diplomatic missions in facilitating technology transfer, building partnerships and fostering collaboration between supply chains to promote India's interests in emerging technology markets.
Policy Coherence

Policy Coherence

  • Ensure coherence and consistency across various policy areas, including trade, foreign relations and technology governance, to create an enabling environment for innovation and technology adoption.
Dr Mriganko Das

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks