Artificial Intelligence Framework

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  1. Framework

    1. AI Actor Obligation

      1. Ethical review

      2. Verification by app stores

      3. Compliance with laws, social morality and ethics

      4. Verification of users’ real identities

      5. Notification and consent of the subjects of deep synthesis services

      6. Protecting the privacy of users’ input

      7. Take effective measures to enhance accuracy

      8. Specific prohibition on use for fake news

      9. Screening illegal or harmful information

      10. Measures to prevent false, illegal, or harmful information

      11. Disclosure Requirements

      12. Must not induce addiction or over-consumption

      13. Protection of minors, elderly, and workers

      14. Supervision and inspection by other regulators

      15. Management system and technical measures

      16. Management measures by online app distribution platforms

      17. Establish user complaints handling mechanism

    2. User rights

      1. Right to opt-out

      2. Right to delete personal characteristics

      3. Right to not be subject to differentiated treatment

    3. Risk Management

      1. Human-AI Configuration

      2. Information Integrity

      3. Information Security

      4. Obscene, Degrading, and/or Abusive Content

      5. Toxicity, Bias, and Homogenization

      6. Black box

      7. Liability

      8. Intellectual property and copyright

      9. Access to compute

      10. Misrepresentation

    4. Trustworthiness

      1. Valid and Reliable

      2. Safe

      3. Secure and Resilient

      4. Accountable and Transparent

      5. Explainable and Interpretable

      6. Privacy-Enhanced

      7. Fair – with Harmful Bias Managed

    5. Transparency

      1. Disclosing that the content was generated by AI

      2. Designing the model to prevent it from generating illegal content

      3. Publishing summaries of copyrighted data used for training

    6. Grievance redressal

      1. Appropriate methods and metrics are identified and applied

      2. Systems are evaluated for trustworthy characteristics

      3. Mechanisms for tracking identified AI risks over time are in place

      4. Feedback about the efficacy of measurement is gathered and assessed

      5. Strategies to maximize AI benefits and minimize negative impacts

      6. AI risks based on assessments

      7. AI risks and benefits from third-party entities are managed

      8. Risk treatments, including response and recovery

      9. Context is established and understood

      10. Categorization of the AI system is performed

      11. Capabilities, targeted usage, goals, and expected benefits

      12. Risks and benefits are mapped for all components of the AI system including third-party software and data.

      13. Impacts to individuals, groups, communities, organizations, and society are characterized

    7. Social development and inclusive growth

      1. Smart Mobility, including Transports and Logistics

      2. Manufacturing

      3. Energy

      4. Smart Cities

      5. Education and Skilling

      6. International coordination

    8. Skilling for the AI age

      1. Incentivizing the creation of jobs that could constitute the new service industry

      2. Recognition and standardization of informal training institutions

      3. Creation of open platforms for learning

      4. Creating financial incentives for reskilling of employees

    9. Safe

      1. Responsible design & development

      2. Clear information to deployers on responsible use of the system

      3. Responsible decision-making by deployers and end users

      4. Explanations and documentation of risks based on empirical evidence of incidents

    10. Multi-Language

      1. Mental Health Policies

      2. Employee Assistance Programs

      3. Mental Health Awareness

      4. Digital Literacy

      5. Counselling Services

      6. Work Environment

      7. Monitoring and Adjustment

    11. Multi-Language

      1. User Accessibility

      2. Cultural Sensitivity

      3. Improved Performance

      4. Business Opportunities

      5. Research and Development

      6. Cross-Language Information Retrieval

      7. Customer Support

      8. Content Localization

      9. Sentiment Analysis

Final Frameworks: CDR & Gaming
Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs
Defining Responsibility Frameworks
Indices for Viksit Bharat