Prof R Sudarshan at the Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Prof R Sudarshan

Prof R Sudarshan

Dean, Jindal School of Government & Public Policy, O P Jindal Global University

  • There is concern about the potential loss of humanity due to technology and artificial intelligence, which could lead to people becoming more robotic.
  • Extensive data collection and addiction to digital platforms are eroding human freedom and unpredictability.
  • Emphasis on the importance of education, particularly for young people, to cultivate virtues such as honesty and courage to protect against the negative effects of technology.
  • Recognition of the changing societal values and the need to focus on virtues that promote a flourishing society.
  • Advocacy for reevaluating education content to prepare individuals to navigate the challenges posed by technology while maintaining their humanity.
  • Recognition of the educational system's importance in shaping individuals' capacity to engage critically with technology and societal changes.
Education for Humanity Preservation

Education for Humanity Preservation

  • Revise educational curricula to include teachings on preserving humanity in the face of technological advancements.
  • Integrate teachings on virtues such as honesty and courage to counterbalance the potentially dehumanising effects of technology.
  • Foster critical thinking skills among students to empower them to navigate technological advancements responsibly.
Balancing Individual Rights and Communal Values

Balancing Individual Rights and Communal Values

  • Develop a nuanced understanding of individual rights and communal values within the context of technological progress.
  • Advocate for a balanced approach that respects individual autonomy while acknowledging the importance of familial and societal relationships.
  • Encourage discussions and debates on how to strike a balance between individual freedoms and societal well-being.
Re-evaluation of Societal Values

Re-evaluation of Societal Values

  • Conduct a comprehensive review of societal values and norms to ensure they align with the principles of a flourishing society.
  • Emphasise the importance of virtues and values that promote empathy, compassion and social cohesion in educational curricula and public discourse.
Educational Reform

Educational Reform

  • Implement reforms in the educational system to prioritise cultivating critical thinking, ethical reasoning and moral integrity.
  • Provide training and professional development opportunities for educators to integrate teachings on humanity preservation into their teaching practices.
  • Collaborate with educational institutions, policymakers and community stakeholders to develop comprehensive strategies for addressing the ethical implications of technological advancements.
Awareness and Advocacy

Awareness and Advocacy

  • Raise awareness among policymakers, educators, parents and students about emerging technologies' potential risks and benefits.
  • Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote ethical practices, responsible technology use and the preservation of human values and dignity.
Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs

Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs