Mr Sundar Ram at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Sundar Ram

Mr Sundar Ram

Director, Business Development, AWS India

  • Inquiry into defining a good outcome regarding interventions like Internet usage.
  • Questioning where to draw the line on desirable behaviour and how to measure and monitor it effectively.
  • Discussion on monitoring alternate behaviours people engage in, such as exercise and social interaction.
  • Concern about the limitations of apps in capturing holistic health behaviours, like physical activity and socialising.
  • Inquiry into the role of technology providers, like Amazon Web Services, in building capabilities to monitor health behaviours.
  • Consideration of how to effectively capture and monitor health behaviours beyond digital activities.
Defining Good Outcomes

Defining Good Outcomes

  • Establish clear definitions of what constitutes good outcomes in terms of technology use and its impact on health and well-being.
  • This may include indicators such as reduced screen time, increased physical activity, improved mental health and enhanced social connections.
Monitoring and Tracking

Monitoring and Tracking

  • Develop mechanisms for monitoring and tracking technology use and its effects on health behaviours and outcomes. This could involve leveraging data analytics, wearable devices and self-reporting tools to collect information on users' behaviours, habits and progress towards health-related goals.
Holistic Approach

Holistic Approach

  • Take a holistic approach to health monitoring that goes beyond just tracking screen time or device usage.
  • Consider incorporating measures of physical activity, sleep quality, social interactions and mental well-being into monitoring tools and frameworks.
Behavioural Insights

Behavioural Insights

  • Utilise behavioural insights and psychology to better understand users' motivations, preferences and barriers to adopting healthy behaviours.
  • Design monitoring tools and interventions tailored to individuals' needs and preferences to maximise engagement and effectiveness.
Encouraging Positive Behaviours

Encouraging Positive Behaviours

  • Design technology solutions that track and monitor behaviour and actively encourage and support positive health behaviours.
  • This could involve providing personalised feedback, setting goals, offering rewards or incentives and connecting users with resources and support networks.
Privacy and Data Security

Privacy and Data Security

  • Ensure that monitoring tools and platforms prioritise user privacy and data security.
  • Implement robust privacy policies, data encryption measures and user consent mechanisms to protect sensitive health information and comply with regulatory requirements.
User Empowerment

User Empowerment

  • Empower users to take control of their health and well-being by providing access to their own data, insights, and tools for self-monitoring and self-management. Foster a sense of ownership and autonomy among users in managing their health behaviours and outcomes.
Mr Sundar Ram

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks