Dr N Vijayaditya at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Dr N Vijayaditya

Dr N Vijayaditya

Former Director General, National Informatics Centre

  • Continuously evaluate regulations to adapt to technological advancements and maintain relevance.
  • Prioritise individual privacy in digital environments, balancing growth and innovation with privacy protection.
  • Implement guidelines for responsible technology use in education, ensuring it enhances learning without causing addiction or distraction.
Sequential Implementation of Regulations

Sequential Implementation of Regulations

  • Sequential approach allows for tangible progress and user engagement before introducing rules. Regulations should follow the establishment of functional systems to prevent discouragement and ensure appreciation.
Continuous Regulatory Evaluation

Continuous Regulatory Evaluation

  • Acknowledge the rapid pace of technological advancements and digital transformations. Develop regulatory frameworks that evolve alongside technology and application developments.
  • Regular monitoring and adjustments are essential to maintain relevance and effectiveness while avoiding redundancy.
Privacy Protection Measures

Privacy Protection Measures

  • Prioritise individual privacy in digital environments. Develop and enforce mechanisms to safeguard personal data while facilitating growth and innovation.
  • Consider psychological impacts and ensure a balance between research advancements and privacy rights.
Educational Technology Guidelines

Educational Technology Guidelines

  • Address concerns regarding technology use in educational settings, particularly among young students. Implement regulations to guide teachers in the responsible use of digital devices and applications.
  • Ensure that technology enhances learning without becoming a source of addiction or distraction.
Dr N Vijayaditya

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks