Dr Yatan Pal Singh Balhara at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Dr Yatan Pal Singh Balhara

Dr Yatan Pal Singh Balhara

Professor-Psychiatry, National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC), AIIMS

  • He emphasised the importance of understanding the broader context of digital business activities and their impact on mental health.
  • Mental health implications can be direct consequences of online activities or result from indirect pathways such as physical health problems, financial issues, academic struggles and interpersonal conflicts.
  • He acknowledges the complexity of addressing digital addictions, emphasising the need for a balanced approach that promotes safe and healthy technology use rather than outright bans.
  • Activities include various initiatives to raise awareness, develop interventions and collaborate with organisations to address digital addiction issues.
  • He discussed the challenges in regulating digital technology use, including the lack of clear guidelines and the difficulty in enforcing existing regulations.
  • He suggested that industry stakeholders can be important in promoting digital wellness through education and responsible product development.
  • There is an increase in the vulnerability of adolescents to digital addiction, and the importance of supporting them through awareness, regulation, and responsible platform design can only be more emphasised.
Education & Awareness

Education and Awareness

  • Develop educational materials targeting different age groups to raise awareness about the potential risks of excessive digital consumption.
  • Conduct workshops, seminars, and public awareness campaigns in schools, colleges, and communities to educate students, parents, and educators about digital addiction and its consequences.
  • Collaborate with media outlets, social media influencers and celebrities to amplify the message of responsible technology use.
  • Provide resources and guidelines for parents and educators on promoting healthy digital habits among children and adolescents.
Education & Awareness

Policy and Regulation

  • Advocate for developing and implementing policies and regulations at the governmental level to address digital addiction.
  • Work with lawmakers and regulatory bodies to establish age restrictions on certain digital activities and platforms.
  • Advocate the adoption of content guidelines and rating systems to ensure age-appropriate content and prevent exposure to harmful material.
  • Advocate for enforcing existing regulations and introducing new measures to hold technology companies accountable for promoting responsible usage.
Promotion of Digital Wellness

Promotion of Digital Wellness

  • Collaborate with technology companies to integrate features and tools into digital platforms that promote healthy usage patterns, such as usage monitoring, time management, and digital detox reminders.
  • Develop educational resources and training programs for technology companies on responsible design principles and ethical considerations in product development.
  • Encourage the adoption of corporate social responsibility initiatives focused on promoting digital wellness and supporting individuals affected by digital addiction.
  • Engage with schools, colleges, and youth organizations to incorporate digital wellness education into curricula and extracurricular activities, emphasising the importance of balance and moderation in technology use.
Intervention and Support

Intervention and Support

  • Establish specialised clinics and treatment centres for individuals struggling with digital addiction, providing counselling, therapy and support groups.
  • Train mental health professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and counsellors, to recognise and treat digital addiction effectively.
  • Develop online resources and helplines for individuals seeking support and information about digital addiction and available treatment options.
  • Partner with community organizations and support groups to provide outreach and assistance to individuals and families affected by digital addiction.
Research and Development

Research and Development

  • Allocate funding for research projects focused on understanding the underlying mechanisms of digital addiction and its impact on mental health.
  • Collaborate with academic institutions and research organizations to study effective prevention and intervention strategies.
  • Support the development of evidence-based tools and interventions for assessing and treating digital addiction, including screening tools, therapeutic interventions, and digital wellness apps.
  • Encourage technology companies to invest in research and development efforts to promote responsible technology use and mitigate the negative effects of digital addiction.
Collaboration and Partnerships

Collaboration and Partnerships

  • Form partnerships with government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and technology companies to develop comprehensive strategies for addressing digital addiction.
  • Establish multi-stakeholder task forces or working groups to coordinate efforts and share best practices in digital addiction prevention and intervention.
  • Organise conferences, symposiums and networking events to facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders working in digital addiction.
  • Engage with industry partners to develop voluntary codes of conduct and best practices for promoting responsible technology use and protecting users from digital addiction.
Dr Yatan Pal Singh Balhara

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks