Mr Amarendra Singh at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Amarendra Singh

Mr Amarendra Singh

Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

  • Over the past 20-30 years, there has been a significant shift in the way we consume entertainment, education and information, with a move towards digital platforms.
  • While digital platforms offer convenience, responsibly using them, especially concerning the content they deliver, is a simultaneous challenge.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital platforms as the primary means of consuming entertainment, leading to significant growth in this sector.
  • Governments are striving to keep pace with regulating digital platforms to ensure responsible content reaches users.
  • Efforts have been made to add value and responsibility to the content delivered through digital platforms, leading to the development of frameworks for responsible content delivery.
  • There is a focus on reducing harmful content, especially for vulnerable groups like children, through mechanisms such as content profiling and industry-developed standards and SOPs.
  • While regulation plays a role, the industry has proactively developed standards and SOPs to reduce harmful content and promote responsible content delivery.
Regulatory Adaptation

Regulatory Adaptation

  • Need to adapt regulations to keep pace with the rapidly evolving digital landscape, particularly in areas like content consumption.
  • This involves ensuring that regulatory frameworks are robust enough to address emerging challenges such as harmful content while fostering innovation and access.
Promotion of Responsible Content

Promotion of Responsible Content

  • There's a need to prioritise responsible content creation and dissemination across digital platforms. This includes addressing harmful content, especially concerning children and vulnerable populations.
  • Industry stakeholders should work collaboratively to develop standards and best practices for creating and promoting responsible content.
Technological Solutions

Technological Solutions

  • Leveraging technology, such as profiling and content filtering mechanisms, can help mitigate the spread of harmful content and reduce unintended negative consequences, such as addictive behaviour.
  • Policymakers and industry players should explore developing and implementing effective technological solutions to enhance content safety and user well-being.
Industry Proactivity

Industry Proactivity

  • The industry should take proactive measures to self-regulate and promote responsible content practices. This could involve the development of detailed standards, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and other guidelines aimed at reducing harmful content and mitigating its impact on users.
Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement

Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Collaboration between government agencies, industry stakeholders, content creators, and users is essential to address the challenges associated with digital content consumption effectively.
  • To foster an environment of dialogue and cooperation to develop holistic solutions that balance regulatory requirements with industry innovation and user needs.