Mr Jiji Mammen at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Jiji Mammen

Mr Jiji Mammen

CEO, Sa-Dhan

  • The SRO focuses on implementing regulatory frameworks set by the Reserve Bank of India and their own code of conduct.
  • Their code of conduct covers client interactions, employee treatment and borrower eligibility assessments.
  • Monitoring compliance ensures responsible lending practices.
  • Acknowledges the relevance of corporate digital responsibility but sees its direct alignment as limited currently.
  • Anticipates its inclusion in future regulatory frameworks and codes of conduct.
  • Emphasis is placed on client protection and responsible lending to safeguard borrowers' mental and physical health.
Enhance Corporate Digital Responsibility

Enhance Corporate Digital Responsibility

  • Acknowledge the relevance of corporate digital responsibility and work towards expanding its alignment within current operations.
Anticipate Future Regulatory Changes

Anticipate Future Regulatory Changes

  • Expect the inclusion of corporate digital responsibility in future regulatory frameworks and codes of conduct and prepare for compliance accordingly.
Focus on Client Protection

Focus on Client Protection

  • Place emphasises client protection measures to ensure borrowers' mental and physical well-being.
Promote Responsible Lending Practices

Promote Responsible Lending Practices

  • Strengthen efforts to monitor compliance and enforce responsible lending practices to safeguard borrowers' interests.
  • Support start-ups and fintech companies that are developing innovative solutions for financial inclusion.
Mr Jiji Mammen

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks