Mr Karthik Sathuragiri at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Karthik Sathuragiri

Mr Karthik Sathuragiri

Head-Marketing, AWS India

  • Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) is an important element in fostering societal betterment. Technology within Amazon and AWS can contribute to building a better India by addressing societal needs and challenges.
  • He stresses the importance of contextualising.
  • Indicators and solutions will be contextualised for the Indian context, considering regional differences and scalability. For instance, how parameters like temperature may not suffice in coastal cities, necessitating considerations like humidity.
  • Technology solutions to suit local requirements have to be "Indianised".
  • Technology has the potential to enhance tracking and analysis, making processes more efficient and accurate. Digital transformation enables tasks like transcription and summarisation to be performed swiftly and accurately, reducing the time taken for manual efforts.
Purpose-Driven Marketing

Purpose-Driven Marketing

  • Shift focus from purely business outcomes to purpose-driven initiatives, aligning corporate strategies with societal betterment.
  • Incorporate Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) as a core element of corporate purpose, emphasising how technology can contribute to building a better India.
Contextualised Solutions

Contextualised Solutions

  • Tailor technology solutions and indicators to suit the specific needs and contexts of India, considering regional differences and scalability.
  • Develop frameworks that account for diverse parameters relevant to different regions, ensuring effective and relevant solutions.
Localisation of Technology

Localisation of Technology

  • "Indianise" technology solutions to address local challenges and opportunities, ensuring that they are culturally relevant and scalable for India's diverse population.
  • Foster innovation that caters to India's unique requirements, leveraging technology to solve local problems effectively.
Enhanced Tracking and Analysis

Enhanced Tracking and Analysis

  • Utilise technology to enhance tracking and analysis of indicators related to corporate responsibility, leveraging digital tools for efficient data collection and analysis.
  • Implement digital solutions that streamline reporting processes and improve the accuracy of performance metrics, facilitating better decision-making and accountability.
Human-Centric Approach

Human-Centric Approach

  • Acknowledge the continued importance of human context and perspective in decision-making, integrating insights from academia, research and other disciplines.
  • Ensure that technology complements human capabilities rather than replaces them, recognising human insight's value in understanding nuanced societal issues.
Accelerating Corporate Digital Responsibility

Accelerating Corporate Digital Responsibility

  • Develop playbooks and frameworks for corporate digital responsibility that leverage technology to accelerate progress towards societal betterment.
  • Explore how technology can enhance the tracking and implementation of corporate responsibility initiatives, making processes more efficient and impactful.
Mr Karthik Sathuragiri

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks