Mr Rohit Chauhan at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Rohit Chauhan

Mr Rohit Chauhan

Director, Public Policy, Head Digital Works

  • Emphasis on understanding India's societal complexities and cultural identity.
  • Acknowledgment of the evolving nature of laws and policies, advocating for initial compliance with room for refinement.
  • Promotion of responsible technology usage within families and society.
  • Consideration of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) and its potential impact on society.
  • Recognition of the importance of global positioning while addressing the unique challenges of the Indian context.
  • Identification of next-generation businesses: OTT, gaming, lending, and social media intermediaries.
  • Gaming industry has the potential to generate economic benefits.
  • There are concerns about the impact of gaming on children, highlighting the need for responsible usage within families and society.
Cultural Responsibility

Cultural Responsibility

  • There's a discussion on societal and cultural responsibility, particularly concerning children's exposure to technology.
  • This could suggest a niche for takeout options that promote family time, outdoor activities, or non-digital forms of entertainment.
OTT, gaming, lending and social media intermediaries

OTT, gaming, lending and social media intermediaries

  • These are identified as next-generation businesses for at least the next two decades. Therefore, investing or focusing on takeout options related to these industries could be promising.
Promote Responsible Gaming

Promote Responsible Gaming

  • Encourage initiatives that promote responsible gaming practices, including educating both parents and children about healthy gaming habits and balancing screen time with other activities.
Develop Educational Gaming Content

Develop Educational Gaming Content

  • Invest in the development of educational gaming content that can provide both entertainment and learning opportunities for users, particularly children.
Address Societal Concerns

Address Societal Concerns

  • Take proactive steps to address societal concerns surrounding gaming, such as addiction and negative impacts on mental health, through awareness campaigns, support resources, and responsible game design practices.
Connecting with Society

Connecting with Society

  • Digital service providers can contribute back to society. This suggests that takeout options that support community initiatives or have a social impact could be well-received.
Collaborate with Regulatory Bodies

Collaborate with Regulatory Bodies

  • Work collaboratively with regulatory bodies to develop industry standards and guidelines that promote responsible gaming practices while also supporting innovation and growth within the gaming sector.
Mr Rohit Chauhan

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks