Prof Karishma Godara at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Prof Karishma Godara

Prof Karishma Godara

Assistant Professor, Jindal School of of Psychology and Counselling, OP Jindal Global University

  • There are perceived risks to Internet addiction. There was a survey conducted to study these risks amongst undergrad students. Neurological risks far outweigh the data security threats.
  • Too much information can lead to desensitisation of Internet addiction and data tracking issues. Targeted awareness campaigns can address such issues.
  • There are concerns about the impact of gaming on mental health, including obscenity and violence.
Perceived Risks of Internet Addiction

Perceived Risks of Internet Addiction

  • For students neurological and mental health issues are rising in comparison to cybersecurity or data privacy risks.
  • This highlights the importance of raising awareness about the broader impacts of excessive Internet use, including its effects on mental health and well-being.
Controlled Awareness

Controlled Awareness

  • It is suggested that while raising awareness about Internet addiction and related risks is essential, there is a need for controlled or targeted awareness campaigns.
  • Simply inundating people with information about the negative consequences of Internet use may lead to desensitisation and resignation rather than proactive efforts to address the issue.
  • Awareness initiatives should be strategic and foster informed decision-making and responsible digital behaviour.
Expanding the Discourse on Gaming

Expanding the Discourse on Gaming

  • There is need to understand the potential impact on mental health, arising from popularity of fantasy sports rise of fantasy sports platforms. The presence of obscenity and violence in gaming content impacts students mental health negatively.
  • The discourse on gaming should go beyond addiction to encompass other psychological and social implications, such as exposure to harmful content and desensitisation to violence.
  • Efforts to raise awareness should be complemented by targeted interventions and policies that promote responsible digital behaviour and safeguard users' well-being in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.
Prof Karishma Godara

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks