Prof Naresh Singh at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Prof Naresh Singh

Prof Naresh Singh

Executive Dean, Jindal School of Government & Public Policy, O P Jindal Global University

  • Suggesting a paradigm shift in the purpose of corporations, moving away from the traditional profit-centric model towards one where making the world a better place is central, with profitability as a by-product.
  • This aligns with the growing emphasis on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives.
  • This idea reflects a broader trend in business toward recognising corporations' interconnectedness with society and the environment.
  • By prioritising purpose alongside profit, companies can contribute positively to society while still fulfilling their financial responsibilities to shareholders.
  • This approach acknowledges that businesses have a role to play in addressing societal challenges and promoting sustainable development.
Re-articulate the Purpose of the Corporation

Re-articulate the Purpose of the Corporation

  • Consider reframing the purpose of corporations from solely profit-driven to also include making the world a better place, while still making a profit.
  • This shift emphasises a broader societal impact beyond financial gains.
Purpose-driven Business

Purpose-driven Business

  • Advocate for businesses to prioritise purpose alongside profit, aiming to contribute to societal well-being while still generating revenue.
Focus on Purpose

Focus on Purpose

  • Encourage a shift towards prioritising purpose over mere output. This involves aligning business goals with societal benefits, which may require a transition over time.
Collaborative Vision Articulation

Collaborative Vision Articulation

  • Work together to articulate a vision that integrates social responsibility and environmental sustainability into the core purpose of corporations.
  • This collaboration can involve stakeholders across various sectors to ensure a holistic approach.
Prof Naresh Singh

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks