Prof R Sudarshan at the Defining Responsibility Framework, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Prof R Sudarshan

Prof R Sudarshan

Dean, Jindal School of Government & Public Policy, O P Jindal Global University

  • Balancing mobile phone use in class: distraction vs. personal freedom.
  • Regulations respecting rights and responsibilities and a need for regulatory framework in education.
  • Phones help in instant access to information but encourage out-of-context recording and access leading to distraction.
  • Curriculum should be updated keeping in mind interdisciplinary issues.
  • Link CDR with education and coordinate efforts for regulatory and curriculum updates.
Balancing Personal Liberty and Academic Environment

Balancing Personal Liberty and Academic Environment

  • There is a tension between allowing students to bring their mobile phones into the classroom and maintaining a conducive learning environment. While mobile phones can be useful tools for accessing information and enhancing learning, they can also be sources of distraction and disruption.
  • Institutions need to balance respecting students' personal liberties and ensuring academic integrity and focus.
Regulatory Framework for Educational Institutions

Regulatory Framework for Educational Institutions

  • There is a need for regulatory frameworks at the institutional level to address the use of digital devices in educational settings.
  • These frameworks should consider factors such as classroom etiquette, responsible use of technology, and guidelines for incorporating digital tools into teaching and learning practices.
Guidelines for Mobile Phone Use

Guidelines for Mobile Phone Use

  • Educational institutions should develop clear classroom guidelines for using mobile phones, outlining acceptable and unacceptable behaviours.
  • These guidelines may include restrictions on specific activities, such as recording lectures without permission or using social media during class time, while also recognising the potential benefits of mobile technology for educational purposes.
Educational Curriculum and Digital Literacy

Educational Curriculum and Digital Literacy

  • The curriculum should be updated to include topics related to digital literacy, responsible technology use, and critical thinking skills. Students need to be educated about the potential risks and challenges associated with digital devices, as well as the opportunities they offer for learning and productivity.
Interdisciplinary Approach

Interdisciplinary Approach

  • Given the interdisciplinary nature of digital technology and its impact on various aspects of society, educational institutions should adopt a multidisciplinary approach to teaching and learning.
  • This involves integrating digital literacy and ethics across different subjects and disciplines, rather than treating them as separate or isolated topics.
Collaboration with Industry and Experts

Collaboration with Industry and Experts

  • Educational institutions should collaborate with industry experts, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders to develop effective strategies for addressing digital responsibility and promoting ethical use of technology.
  • This may involve engaging in research, sharing best practices, and participating in public awareness campaigns.
Prof R Sudarshan

Participants at the Workshop Defining Responsibility Frameworks