Dr Ashwini Mahajan

Dr Ashwini Mahajan at the Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Dr Ashwini Mahajan

Dr Ashwini Mahajan

Co-Convener, Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM)

  • Technological advances are leading to irresponsible behaviour by digital or technology businesses.
  • Introduction of GST on gaming has been a welcome move.
  • E-commerce has been harming small shopkeepers, this requires regulation to protect petty businessmen interests.
  • Gig workers do not have any social security. There is need for regulatory oversight and self-regulation.
  • Negative effects of disruptive technologies and gaming on health.
  • Vision 2047 should include responsible technological practices and safeguarding values.
Regulate Cryptocurrencies

Regulate Cryptocurrencies

  • Establish clear legal definitions and frameworks for cryptocurrencies. Set up regulatory bodies to monitor and enforce these regulations.
  • Promote the use of blockchain technology independent of cryptocurrencies. Develop guidelines that allow blockchain innovations while strictly regulating or even banning cryptocurrencies due to their risks.
Gaming Industry

Gaming Industry

  • Implement regulations on games involving monetary stakes. Differentiate between casual gaming and gambling-like gaming where real money is involved.
  • Maintain a 28% GST on gaming involving money to deter excessive gambling and reduce addiction risks.
  • Regulate celebrity endorsements of gaming platforms, especially those that can lead to addiction.
  • Enforce mandatory warnings about the addictive nature of such games.
Strengthen Responsibility Frameworks

Strengthen Responsibility Frameworks

  • Encourage industries to adopt responsible practices, but with strong government oversight to ensure compliance.
  • Set up an intelligence system to track complaints against digital platforms.
Protect Small Shopkeepers from E-commerce

Protect Small Shopkeepers from E-commerce

  • Continuously monitor and update regulations to close loopholes that e-commerce companies exploit to bypass existing rules.
  • Provide support measures for small shopkeepers to compete with large e-commerce platforms, possibly through subsidies or digital training programs.
Enhance Social Security

Enhance Social Security

  • Develop comprehensive social security schemes for gig economy workers (e.g., Uber drivers, urban company workers). Ensure they have access to benefits like health insurance, retirement savings and job security.
  • Implement regulations to protect consumers and vendors in the gig economy.
  • Establish clear guidelines for dispute resolution and fair treatment.
Mr Sameer Kochhar

Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs