Mr Anil Bhardawaj at the Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Anil Bhardawaj

Mr Anil Bhardawaj

Secretary General, Federation of Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (FISME)

  • MSMEs contribute significantly to exports, especially in textiles, apparel, leather, handicrafts, auto components, light engineering, gems and jewelry. They are also integral to domestic supply chains.
  • Harmonisation of various compliance requirements is essential to reduce the burden on MSMEs.
  • The importance of aligning with international standards while considering the principle of proportionality cannot be denied.
  • Technology and capacity-building tools, including AI-based models, are essential to facilitate compliance with reporting structures.
  • India should develop its definitions and testing/certification agencies to align with global standards.
Policy Advocacy and Awareness

Policy Advocacy and Awareness

  • Advocates for policies that address the moral and ethical concerns surrounding persuasive technologies. This could involve responsible use of these technologies while also raising awareness among MSMEs about their implications.
  • MSMEs should adapt their strategies to capitalise on emerging global economic trends. This might involve diversifying export markets, exploring new supply chain opportunities or investing in sectors that are experiencing growth.
Capacity Building for Compliance

Capacity Building for Compliance

  • Recommends government-funded programmes or partnerships with industry associations to provide training, resources and tools to help MSMEs meet compliance requirements efficiently.
  • The potential use of AI-based models can automate compliance processes.
  • MSMEs should invest in technology solutions tailored to their needs, such as software platforms that streamline reporting and certification processes.
  • The government could incentivise or provide subsidies to facilitate technology adoption among MSMEs.
Standardisation, Certification and Regulation

Standardisation, Certification and Regulation

  • MSMEs must prioritise certification from internationally recognised bodies to enhance their credibility in global value chains.
  • Suggests collaboration with industry peers to establish common standards and certification processes tailored to the needs of MSMEs.
  • Suggests that regulations should be tailored to the size and capabilities of MSMEs.
  • Policymakers must consider the unique challenges faced by MSMEs when designing regulations, ensuring that they are not unduly burdensome or prohibitive.
Engagement with Government and Industry

Engagement with Government and Industry

  • There should be increased engagement with government agencies, industry associations and international bodies to advocate for the interests of MSMEs.
  • This might involve participating in policy consultations, industry forums or trade delegations to ensure that MSMEs' perspectives are taken into account in decision-making processes.
Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs

Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs