Mr Lokesh Suji at the Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Lokesh Suji

Mr Lokesh Suji

Director, Esports Federation of India

  • There is differentiation between various forms of gaming, such as traditional card games, video games, esports and online gambling. There should be appropriate regulations for each category.
  • Advocates for the recognition of esports as a separate category from online gambling and highlights its achievements, including its inclusion as a medal title in the Asian Games.
  • Stresses the importance of clear definitions and regulations to avoid stifling the growth of the esports industry.
  • Addresses the misconception that games are not being developed in India and highlights the creative potential of the gaming industry, comparing game development to filmmaking.
  • Esports fosters creativity and, therefore, should be promoted.
Policy and Regulatory Reform

Policy and Regulatory Reform

  • Suggests that policymakers review and update the definition of gaming in India to reflect modern forms of gaming, such as online gaming and esports.
  • This could involve conducting consultations with industry experts and stakeholders to develop clear and relevant regulations.
  • This differentiation would allow for tailored regulations that address each category's unique characteristics and risks.
Recognition and Support for Esports

Recognition and Support for Esports

  • Esports should be recognised a legitimate sporting activity separate from online gambling.
  • This recognition could involve collaboration with the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs to develop policies and initiatives that support the growth of esports in India, including funding for training programs and infrastructure development.
  • Emphasises the importance of clear and transparent regulations to provide certainty for businesses and protect consumers.
  • This could involve publishing updated guidelines and regulations in accessible formats and providing educational resources to help individuals understand their rights and responsibilities.
Promotion of Indigenous Game Development

Promotion of Indigenous Game Development

  • Highlights the creative potential of the gaming industry in India and recommends promoting indigenous game development.
  • This could involve providing financial incentives, grants and training programs to support local game developers and encourage innovation within the industry.
  • Suggests collaborating with international counterparts to learn from best practices in gaming regulation and industry development.
  • This could involve participating in international forums, conferences and working groups to exchange knowledge and expertise.
Engagement with Government and Industry

Engagement with Government and Industry

  • There should be increased engagement with government agencies, industry associations and international bodies to advocate for the interests of MSMEs.
  • This might involve participating in policy consultations, industry forums or trade delegations to ensure that MSMEs' perspectives are taken into account in decision-making processes.
Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs

Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs