Mr Sameer Kochhar at the Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Sameer Kochhar

Mr Sameer Kochhar

Chairman, SKOCH Group

  • Initiative to build India narrative to find place in global indices, considering unique contexts of the Global South.
  • Initiative to create an India narrative and index, considering unique contexts of the Global South.
  • We must incorporate ancient Indian wisdom into modern environmental, social and governance frameworks.
  • Aim is to achieve job-generative, spatially dispersed, equitable and sustainable growth for India by 2047.
  • Exploration of digital citizen rights, impact on human rights, digital wellness and financial well-being.
  • Introduction of the concept of digital astrology and its implications on digital wellness.
  • Discuss the evolution and contextualisation of human rights, considering economic, geopolitical and cultural factors.
  • Human Rights Index to be proposed by India to measure global standards.
  • Challenges faced by industries in navigating complex regulatory environments, such as digital lending.
  • Importance of comprehensive frameworks, voluntary compliance and public consultation in regulation formulation.
  • Consultation is required on regulatory approaches that hinder green product promotion and industry growth.
  • There is a need for a realistic assessment of consumer demand for green products before imposing strict regulations.
  • Call for more comprehensive public consultation and engagement in regulatory processes.
Create India-specific indices

Create India-specific indices

  • Hold multistakeholder consultations to build unique India narrative to find place in global indices, considering unique contexts of the Global South.
  • Develop indices that reflect the unique context of India, considering factors like success, happiness, employment, hunger and poverty, which differ from those used in the Global North.
  • Utilise traditional Indian knowledge and practices in areas like environmental sustainability, social responsibility and corporate governance, reclaiming them from Westernisation.
Focus on growth

Focus on growth

  • Growth has to be job-generative, spatially dispersed, equitable and sustainable.
  • Aim for holistic development that ensures no Indian is left behind, aligning with the vision of India 2047 as a developed country.
Address the rights of digital citizens

Address the rights of digital citizens

  • Explore the implications of digital advancements on human rights, digital wellness and financial well-being, emphasising the need for protection and regulation.
  • Evaluate and publicise India's efforts in promoting human rights, advocating for the creation of a new human rights index proposed by India to influence global standards.
Regulatory Frameworks

Regulatory Frameworks

  • Address the tendency of industries to influence regulatory bodies by advocating for a comprehensive regulatory framework informed by multi-stakeholder discussions.
  • Advocate for voluntary compliance frameworks initially, ensuring regulations are not overly punitive, especially for industries promoting sustainability efforts.
  • Foster meaningful engagement with stakeholders beyond just posting consultation notices online, ensuring diverse perspectives are considered in policymaking.
Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs

Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs