Mr Surajit Dey at the Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Mr Surajit Dey

Mr Surajit Dey

Registrar (Law), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)

  • India's approach to human rights is rooted in its civilisation and freedom struggle, differs from Western perspectives based on documents like the Magna Carta and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Global frameworks like ESG and CSR often lack the ethical values necessary for effective implementation. They stress the need for an Indian perspective that reflects the country's unique resources and context.
  • India is a major economy with significant foreign investments and a booming stock market. This growth necessitates focusing on ESG and CSR to ensure sustainable and inclusive development.
  • CDR practices foster trust, innovation and alignment with government initiatives for a knowledge-based economy and environmental sustainability.
  • Integrating ESG factors and CSR into business strategies enhances reputation, manages risks, drives innovation and ensures long-term value creation.
  • The NHRC works directly with businesses to address issues such as bonded labour, silicosis among workers, and child labour. It also issues advisories on business practices and human rights.
  • The NHRC collaborates with various stakeholders to formulate policies and advisories to protect human rights in business contexts, ensuring compliance with environmental and social guidelines.
  • A uniquely Indian narrative on human rights that aligns with the nation's democratic values and multicultural context is needed.
Holistic Integration

Holistic Integration

  • Align corporate strategies with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Develop culturally sensitive policies and considerate of Indian contexts, cultural sensitivities, inclusive growth and languages.
Human Rights and Business

Human Rights and Business

  • Strengthen the role of the NHRC in overseeing and promoting human rights within business operations.
  • Address human rights violations in public and private sectors, ensuring accountability and recommending remedies.
  • Emphasise ethical values in the implementation of ESG and CSR policies.
  • Ensure regular audits and responsible design in technology sectors to mitigate risks.
Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Actively involve community, civil society and government stakeholders in responsible technology use and human rights initiatives.
  • Promote collaboration and knowledge sharing between Indian and global companies to foster responsible business practices.
  • Encourage innovation through robust CDR frameworks, particularly in AI and big data to develop inclusive products and services.
  • Promote digital accessibility to expand the consumer base and drive inclusive growth.
Responsible Frameworks

Responsible Frameworks

  • Integrate SDGs into business strategies, aligning corporate objectives with relevant SDGs.
  • Adopt energy-efficient IT practices and e-waste management to contribute to environmental sustainability.
  • Develop standardised CSR and ESG reporting frameworks for both listed and unlisted entities.
  • Foster transparency and sustainability through clear, quantifiable information.
  • Investors should align their portfolios with sustainable development objectives.
Human Rights Index

Human Rights Index

  • Redefine the Human Rights Index to include broader ecosystem impacts, such as digital addiction and the intellectual development of future generations.
  • Protect the intellectual improvement of children from the negative influences of digital and internet access.
  • The aim for 2047 should be to create an Indian perspective on human rights that can be shared globally.
  • Balance technological advancements with protecting and enhancing human rights and intellectual development.
Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs

Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs