Prof Jyoti Bachani at the Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

Prof Jyoti Bachani

Prof Jyoti Bachani

Saint Mary’s College of California

  • Growth driven by addictive technologies is detrimental and advocated for a shift towards creating content and fostering creativity over consumerism.
  • India is a hub for creativity and innovation in a networked world. It is essential to nurture creators rather than consumers. She calls for policies that prioritise monetising India's cultural assets and intellectual property.
  • Consumerism should be rejected in favour of becoming creators, highlighting the value-conscious nature of Indian consumers and the need for a shift toward prioritising creation over consumption.
Reevaluate Growth Strategies

Reevaluate Growth Strategies

  • Encourage a critical examination of growth strategies, especially those fuelled by addictive technologies. Prioritise sustainable and creative growth over consumerism.
Promote Creativity and Innovation

Promote Creativity and Innovation

  • Develop policies and initiatives that foster a culture of creativity and innovation, particularly in technology and content creation.
  • Experiments like "hole in the wall" that empowered individuals to create with minimal resources should be replicated.
Monetise Cultural Assets

Monetise Cultural Assets

  • Explore ways to monetise India's cultural assets and intellectual property, ensuring that the country benefits economically from its rich heritage and contributions to global culture.
  • Encourage a mindset shift from consumerism to creation at the individual and policy levels.
  • Emphasise the importance of becoming creators rather than passive consumers.
Invest in Education and Skills Development

Invest in Education and Skills Development

  • Invest in education and skills development programs that equip individuals, especially children, with the tools and knowledge to become creators in a digital age.
  • Implement measures to protect India's intellectual property rights and ensure fair compensation for the use of cultural and creative assets globally.
Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs

Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs