Prof Karishma Godara at the Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs, an India 2047 - Centre of Excellence Workshop

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Prof Karishma Godara

Prof Karishma Godara

Assistant Professor, Jindal School of of Psychology and Counselling, OP Jindal Global University

  • There's a constant concern about obscene content and inappropriate material on OTT platforms.
  • Limited research exists on the psychological and sociological impacts of OTT platforms.
  • While platforms offer parental controls, regulation from the backend is necessary, especially for users in rural areas.
  • The availability and affordability of OTT platforms are increasing, raising concerns about exposure to harmful content.
  • The business model often rewards provocative content, influencing even young influencers to focus on appearance and behaviour beyond their age.
  • Young people, especially below 25, are vulnerable to the adverse effects of digital media on self-esteem and mental health.
  • While gaming addiction receives attention, issues related to social media addiction and internet addiction disorder also deserve consideration and intervention.
Regulation of OTT Platforms

Regulation of OTT Platforms

  • Conduct further research on the psychological and sociological impacts of OTT platforms to inform regulatory efforts.
  • Implement stricter backend regulations to control the availability of obscene and inappropriate content.
  • Enhance parental controls and education programmes, primarily targeting users in rural areas.


  • Collaborate with OTT platforms to develop age-appropriate content and implement effective content filtering mechanisms.
  • Explore options for subsidised or free access to educational and informative content on OTT platforms.
Addressing Social Media Issues

Addressing Social Media Issues

  • Develop comprehensive regulations to govern social media platforms, focusing on content moderation and user privacy.
  • Raise awareness about the negative effects of social media on mental health, body image and self-esteem, especially among young users.
  • Advocate for responsible online behaviour among influencers and content creators, emphasising the importance of promoting positive messages and avoiding harmful content.
  • Provide support services and interventions for individuals, especially young people, struggling with social media addiction and related issues.
Corporate Responsibility for Internet Gaming Disorder

Corporate Responsibility for Internet Gaming Disorder

  • Encourage gaming companies and platforms to take responsibility for addressing internet gaming disorder.
  • Invest in research and development of interventions and support services for individuals affected by gaming addiction.
  • Implement measures to promote responsible gaming practices, such as age verification, time limits and educational resources for users.
  • Collaborate with healthcare professionals and organisations to raise awareness about gaming addiction and provide accessible treatment options.
Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs

Participants at the Workshop Harmonising ESG, CSR, CDR and SDGs